May 18, 2012

Captain's Notes

Hey everyone!

Quite a few needle artists have joined us since my last post, so I want to welcome AddysGrannyLessBtchMoreStitchMetalMindCircuitsepicstitchingsleepingfoxstitcheryMelodyMoneyDesignsdaisyeyeshandmademimiMatelotAngelstitchbroderie, and NeedleNosey to EtsyNEAT!

EtsyNEAT's next creative challenge is coming up in June, so we all have weeks ahead of us to be inspired by the theme chosen by last challenge's winner, FunWithNeedles: Water / the Ocean. But I know we're all inspired by lots of things and I'm curious what's inspiring you right now. Recently I've been thinking about flowers and bright sunny colors. Comment and let me know what you're working on!

Until next time, EtsyNEATers :)


  1. Thanks so much for the shout out! I've been inspired by flowers too lately, I've been trying out some pressing techniques. Right now I'm working on incorporating floral/organic designs with quilts (and LEDSs bc I'm obsessed). I'm really interested in combining the history and lore of native plants and the heirloom aspect of quilts and the modern aspect of technology.

  2. Very cool Blog! I've just gotten back into cross-stitching. I'm glad I found you!!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. We hope you'll enjoy the community here at EtsyNEAT!